Professional Corporations & Income Taxes

Professional corporations are popular in accounting, medicine, and law, and the tax benefits are limited compared to other incorporated businesses because of the regulatory requirement of shareholding. One of the main benefits of using corporate structures is the lower corporate income tax rate, which is an attractive feature that Canadian Controlled Private Corporations (CCPC) can…

Leasing or buying a high-end vehicle?

Automobile expenses is one of the highly audited expense items by Canada Revenue Agency (CRA). If you use your personal vehicle for business use or use car owned by your business for personal use, watch out of the issues below. CRA will deny non-allowable automobile expenses, including leases, operating expenses and depreciation. 3 general expense…

Covid-19 update

The Government of Ontario has deemed the work CPAs do to be an essential service during this COVID-19 pandemic. We will continue to support you just as you are supporting your own friends and family. At Oasis LLP our commitment is to protect the public interest and understanding while keeping you informed of everything the…